Chapter 2

Introduction to Linked List







Linked List: It consists of a sequence of nodes (memory spaces), each containing arbitrary data fields and one or two references ("links") pointing to the next and/or previous nodes.





Linked List

Array is fixed size

Size can change

Size can change

An array element can be accessed directly by its index

An arraylist element can also be accessed by its index directly

Each element cannot be accessed directly. Nodes in a linked list must be accessed sequentially

Array elements are adjacent in memory

Elements adjacent in memory

Nodes may not be adjacent to each other

No new element can be added

To add or remove an element all existing elements need to be shifted to one side

Add or remove can be done without shifting elements


How to create a linked list


Self-referential class: A class that includes an instance variable or variables that can hold a reference to an object of the same class.


public class LLStringNode {

    private String info;

    private LLStringNode next;


   public LLStringNode(String info)

    { = info;

      next = null;



Question: What is the consequence of the following line?

     LLStringNode node1 = new LLStringNode(“Hanna”);



SEE class


Another Constructor

public LLStringNode(String info, LLStringNode refNode){ = info;

   next = refNode;


Linked List Traversal

Suppose you have a linked list named letters. How will you traverse all the nodes in that list?


Question: Refine this algorithm gradually to convert it to a piece of code


public  void Traverse() {

   LLStringNode currNode = letters;   //NOTE: You DON’T create a new node using constructor.

   while ( currNode != null) {

        //You can do whatever you like


      currNode =;  //Advance towards the next node




v  Pitfall: Falling off the End of a List

§  If currNode is at the end of the list and you execute currNode =;  currNode will be set to null. You are now at the end of the list. If you execute this statement again, it will give you an error.

Inserting a node at the beginning of a list


LLStringNode newNode = new LLStringNode(“Barbara”); = letters;

letters = newNode;


Deleting a node at the beginning of a list


letters =;



  1. How will you insert a node at the end of a list?
  2. How will you insert a node at the middle of a list?
  3. How will you delete a node at the end of a list?
  4. How will you delete a node in the middle of a list?